25. Mai 20181 Min.

MEXICO - Present Ernesto Sernas García alive

We want to document an Article concerning an Comrade in Mexico, who is missing since the 10th of May. [source: demvolkedienen.org]

The comrades in Mexico executed a demonstration on the 18th of May, on which they demanded to get a sign of life of their comrade, friend and lawyer Ernesto Sernas García. The comrade is missing since the 10th of May.


Ernesto Sernas García defended 23 of the comrades which were accused of and arrested for terrorism and bearing explosives at the 7th of June 2015. This case is on trial at the moment and comrade Ernesto Sernas García prepared new evidence which would prove the innocence of the accused and that the Mexican state knew the truth all along as well.


On the 15th of May, relatives, friends and organisation were on a press conference on which they demanded the presentation of the comrade. They also announced more actions, one of which they did on the 18th of May. On this demonstration mainly students and activists participated, the main force of the comrades in the city and on the countryside stood back for other and more vigorous actions.


Slogans that the comrades put on the walls were amongst others:

“Present him alive and punish the guilty!” “Long live the international communist movement!” “Death to Imperialism!” and “Long live Maoism!”

#Mexico #ErnestoSernasGarcía